About Me

Hi there. Thanks for stopping by! My name is Lydia, I am 28 and I live and work in London. OH and I have eczema 🙂

I set this blog up in 2018 after posting a transformation picture of my eczema on my Instagram. I couldn’t believe how many (hundreds) of people messaged me saying they suffered from it as well. The pictures/stories/comments from all over the world really touched me and I realised how many people suffer from this awful condition.

I have tried and tested many skin products and I post numerous blogs on what caused my eczema, how I initially tried to deal with it (and failed), how I finally managed to get rid of it and how I manage it now. Ultimately, being truly happy and healthy in your mind, body and soul is what is required to live your life eczema free, and it takes time and perseverance. I am here to share my story and I hope you love it 🙂

Feel free to send over any tips/comments/feedback/questions!

Love, Lydia x