Hello, welcome to my blog on all things skin related. Where do I start? Well, in 2018 I had an overwhelming response to my Instagram post on my skin transformation that I was very nervous and reluctant to post, but I am so glad I did! I have had so many questions that I hope I can answer through this blog, including all the products I use that helped me so much (I am a walking pharmacy). For now though, I’ve written my full eczema story. Read on if you’re interested 🙂
I have never had perfect skin – I have always been sensitive (few bouts of acne, reactions to things, greasy skin, dry skin, rosacea which was unconfirmed because different doctors told me different things… the list goes on). I spent part of my teenage years living in Asia and vividly remember regular trips to the skin doctor for a variety of problems. One thing I never suffered from however, was eczema. I didn’t have it from childhood which most people do and no one in my family suffers from it either.
I went to University in London and despite the stress and student lifestyle I never had any skin problems. I have always eaten healthy and exercised a lot, but never dieted or restricted myself. In 2014 I started a job in London after graduating and have been there ever since. My lifestyle did change when I started work – I could finally afford food for starters! Anyone at university in London knows what I’m talking about! I also went out a lot more (surprising, I know). I remember when I started work I never used moisturizer, not even on my face. Colleagues would tell me to moisturise my face twice a day – I was like what oh really ok!? Still had a very student mindset then!
I can’t remember exactly when the eczema came, but I think it started creeping in during 2015 and more so at the start of 2016. 2016 was a big period of change in my life. Work became more serious and I started to internalise the stress – I’m a perfectionist – anyone else? My (now-ex) boyfriend and I decided to buy a house together (why did no one warn me)?! The process of buying a house is HARD! I was very young and more impressionable that I am now. I’ll admit I am an organised control freak and very risk-averse and my boyfriend at the time was an architect/property developer who wanted to buy a dump, knock it down, re-build it and thought it would be easy! Bit of an identity crisis, and basically I was growing up – going from a student to an independent adult. Who knew I would struggle so much with that haha, it sounds trivial, and like these were all good problems to have, which of course they were, but I still lost a bit of myself and my happiness and that’s the honest truth. I spent my childhood moving countries and schools, so I was used to change, and it was therefore weird that this period of change shocked me so much.
In the summer of 2016 I started to lose sleep due to itching and my eczema became more difficult to manage – I was also not in a good head space at all. I went to see a dermatologist who prescribed me lots of amazing creams, some steroid cream and some strong anti-histamine (I will post all the details in a product blog post)! I relied mostly on the anti-histamine which was amazing for me because the itch disappeared! I used steroid cream sparingly to calm any flare, but not masses. He also recommended I get patch testing which I don’t recommend you do during a heatwave like I did :). Patch testing is an allergy test of hundreds of substances that come into contact with skin – it covers most things i.e. make up/perfumes/metals/chemicals etc. They tape a small amount of each substance to your back to see what you react to. A lot of people with eczema have some sort of contact allergy. After 5 uncomfortable days without a shower, my results came back negative. I was allergic to nothing. Brilliant! Back to square one.
I went abroad in September of 2016 for 2 weeks in the sun. Eczema disappeared. It didn’t matter what I drank or ate, I was not remotely itchy or sore. Sun is a MAJOR help for me and eczema (after the initial standard English person on holiday sun burn part). I came back to the UK on the day we completed on our house purchase. I thought the stressful part was over (I was wrong)! The itching and eczema crept in as soon as I started back at work and normal life resumed.
The next 3-4 months were a bit of a blur. The whole house (building site) situation totally overwhelmed me; we were there every evening after work and every weekend. It was a huge amount of work, cost, pain, blood, sweat, tears… you get the idea. This, alongside a busy period at work, meant I had internalised and personalised everything and totally let it all get to me. I couldn’t sleep due to being worried about everything – the anxiety took over. Nightly 3am boiling hot showers became a thing (if you know you know). Numerous other things happened to me that I won’t go into but all contributed to my stress levels. I now realise that I didn’t have anything to be stressed about, but everyone has their own personal battles and struggles and I had my fair share.
By November, Winter was truly here and the eczema had really flared – it was definitely stress induced but the cold weather made things much worse. It was nasty. I scratched and scratched and bled and scratched more. I wasn’t sleeping. Every part of my body was covered in red raw, itchy, flaky, bleeding, blistered hell, and I mean EVERY part. Eczema hit me like a ton of bricks, I had never suffered like this before, but it spiraled to the point where I had no control. I was blaming everyone for everything. I was in and out of the dermatologist, more blood tests for food allergies (turns out I have an allergy to dust mites – I talk about that in another blog post). I went to a Chinese herbalist who gave me lots of teas and tablets that were super expensive – not something I could sustain and I think it was so severe that I don’t think it really helped. My dermatologist sent me to get UVB phototherapy (light therapy) which is essentially a really strong sunbed. You go 2-3 times a week for 10 weeks and the results can be amazing (mainly for psoriasis). I did notice improvements for sure, it can be a brilliant replacement for steroids and some people swear by it. For me though, it left me super dry and burned each time, I would go bright red immediately after and my skin would be so hot and so tight I honestly couldn’t bend or straighten my arm. I shed a layer of skin each week. One time it was so strong my body blistered all over, which then became infected. I was in a constant state of shock. I cried numerous times a day (all things that make eczema worse – we can talk about that in another blog post).
After an indulgent and boozy festive period, I ate clean from January 2017 and had no alcohol, but the condition got worse. This is when I took my ‘before’ photo. I still went to work the day that photo was taken, and was promptly sent home! I just remember looking at myself in the mirror sitting in tears thinking my skin would be like this forever and had definitely lost all hope. I could barely wear clothes, I couldn’t walk or move properly, I hadn’t slept more than a couple of hours a night in 3 months, I was cut all over but I was so itchy I couldn’t help but scratch more.
My dermatologist looked at me in shock when he saw me. He did a skin biopsy to check exactly what was going on – biopsy confirmed severe eczema and a severe infection. He prescribed me oral steroids and anti-biotics; he gave me super thick emollient and told me it would all be gone in a few days. You can imagine my hope but also my disbelief at what he was saying. It is fair to say at this stage I was willing to do anything. I had lost all sense of who I was. I was definitely living with life limiting eczema, without sleep, trying to juggle a full time job and the house was still being renovated at this stage and we were living back and forth between places.
To my disbelief my eczema and infection totally disappeared within a few days. The steroid dosage was high (it was prednisolone), I took 6 tablets a day for the first week, 4 tablets every day for the second week and 2 tablets every day for the third week so I was weening off slowly rather than abruptly. To my surprise, it really hardly returned. I was able to go to a hen party that weekend and I truly had so much fun for the first time in months. At that point I didn’t care if it came back, I was just glad for a weekend off! That was also the weekend we FINALLY moved into our house. I’d say it came back 20% and I kept it at bay with sparing use of steroid cream (one tube in the whole year) and emollient cream, but thankfully my nightmare was over. I couldn’t kick it completely, I still had eczema that flared after a heavy weekend or during a stressful time and I didn’t want to suffer from it forever and have to rely on the creams. The search continued! My dermatologist referred me to a therapist who specialized in skin conditions to manage the mental health side of things; I focused on yoga and meditation (which has been proven to reduce eczema flare ups)! I made sure I was in the best health and head space mentally (which was not easy) and physically (much easier). I made sure I was surrounded by amazing people, but I was still in a relationship that I was realise was toxic and unhealthy, and limited my ability to fully heal for another few years.
In 2018 I decided to try veganuary (being a Vegan for January), dry January (no alcohol) and also no sugar or caffeine – a total anti-inflammatory diet. If I had tried it in 2017 I don’t think it would have done much, my body was so sleep deprived and in a state of constant shock, I really think I needed medical intervention to get rid of the colossal damage. I couldn’t have continued many more weeks in the condition I was in. But by 2018, my headspace was better, I read many self-help books, I was doing yoga every morning and meditating daily and I was determined to go into the New Year eczema free.
Week 1 of being a vegan was hard, admittedly. My housemates were in hysterics. The first day I was hungover because I’d gotten in at 5am from New Years Eve. I ate peanuts in bed the whole day. Day 2 wasn’t much better, I was in a delirious state at work with no caffeine and I’d done no food prep. I got home from work, had a bowl of spinach for dinner and went to bed. By week 2, I had discovered Deliciously Ella (LIFE-SAVER). I spent the whole weekend in the kitchen making meals, snacks, and deserts and I experimented with all sorts of new ingredients. My boyfriend loved my creations (or so he said) and it wasn’t so difficult after all. I noticed a difference almost straight away, I felt amazing; no January blues, no itching, I was full of energy, I felt stronger than ever, super healthy, I lost weight, and my mindset was so positive.
The first weekend of February I had alcohol and non-vegan food, and I honestly felt rubbish after. I was itchy, uncomfortable and sluggish. Very annoying, but I finally realized the power of food and drink and how impactful it can be, especially when you don’t have good gut health which I clearly didn’t! I now try and eat more plant based, but I can now eat/drink pretty much anything and my skin doesn’t react. I haven’t used steroid cream in years now. If I scratch and my skin goes red, I put emollient cream on and when I wake up it’s gone. Before, if I scratched and aggravated my skin, I knew I would only get rid of it with steroid cream.
I know eczema is an emotive subject; there is a big debate over the use of steroids. This is just what worked for me, everyone is different. I see positives and negatives to all types of treatment, I am not trying to preach anything or tell you what to do (see my disclaimer page for more on that). I thank the steroids for getting rid of the worst of the flare up a year ago, but I thank the vegan diet for transforming my skin and my mindset in 2018. The ‘after’ picture was taken on 31.01.2018, exactly a year after the ‘before’ photo. Same picture, same place, one year difference and honestly, a different person. But I didn’t realise how much more healing and growing I needed to do.
I was left with a lot of pigmentation (more on that in another blog post). I had that for a few years after. My pigmentation eventually disappeared in summer of 2019, around the same time that I separated from my boyfriend who was with me on this journey. I don’t think whether that was just a co-incidence, but I walked away from a situation that no longer served me, and my skin health became the best it had ever been.
What a journey. I’ve seen so many posts recently of incredible people showing their skin struggles and they’re not alone! I want to use this blog to talk more about my story. More blog posts include:
- Causes of eczema; stress induced eczema and other causes.
- More about what I did to try and control my eczema (what failed and what worked). Full list of products I use coming soon!
- Anxiety and mental health – I was very lucky to see a therapist who specialised in skin disorders and how to cope which I was so grateful for. I learned so much about myself and my relationships improved – more later!
- Vegan diet and how that ultimately transformed my skin health – top tips and tricks. What I eat and drink (including supplements).
- What to change in your home – how to wash clothes – how to clean your home.
- Showers – the love hate relationship we have with them!
- Make-up tips – what works and what doesn’t!
I hope I can unite the community of people who suffer from skin related issues so we can be there for each other. No one should suffer like I did and I know many people do, and although there are WAY worse things that can happen to people, I do understand more than anyone how awful and life limiting it can be.
Thanks for reading!
Love, Lydia x
Hey girl! Thanks so much for sharing this. I really appreciate it! Just a question on exercising. Did you still go to the gym during flare ups? Did it make your eczema worse?
Thanks so much! Very lovely of you to say and much appreciated. It’s a great question. When the eczema was absolutely awful and when I was burned from the phototherapy I don’t think I exercised but in general I did keep exercising because I love it so much! Try light exercise rather than heavy sweaty stuff if your skin is really sore. Yoga is also incredible but hard if your skin is tight. Ironically, exercise is amazing for your health and skin in the long term but during or immediately after exercise skin can be uncomfortable. Getting hot and sweaty would make me super itchy and I do remember having to leave gym classes early because I was so uncomfortable. Also when your body is having a flare up it is probably in a state of shock with your immune system weakened so I think it would be better to relax and maybe do more meditation etc which is just as good for the mind body and soul! When I did exercise it definitely didn’t make eczema worse but it may have momentarily made it more uncomfortable! Hope this helps ❤️
yes but if it was itchy I’d stop immediately! don’t push or sweat too much if it irritates you!
Hi. I’m an eczema sufferer and while going through some in-depth ‘googling’ for eczema products, I stumbled upon your blog. I was so captivated by it cause there weren’t many honest with before/after photos reviews. Most of what I’ve seen and read were not as convincing as yours. So, I was glad to see yours.
I’d like to write some intro about my eczema story first if I may? It’s a pretty long story but I feel like I need to share these things with someone who have the same problem. And I could never really be trully honest with anyone else due to their awkward response including my closest peers. Plus, I’m very shy and introverted that I would do anything to keep things private (sorry!).
First of all, it’s quite similar to yours. And I was actually so surprised with the coincidence. I’ll try to keep it short though.
I’m Asian, female, and 26yo. I had this itchy, scabby, dry skin since birth on the inside of my elbows and back of knees. Everywhere else was normal. Back then, we didn’t know it was eczema so there weren’t much eczema-related products being used. According to my mom, even the doctor didn’t mention it was eczema. So no one suspected anything. And because of that things never really got better. Then my mom went to a local pharmacy and bought Betnovate-N cream which is a topical steroid cream similar to hydrocortisone. Since the pharmacist didn’t mention of its 7-days maximum usage, I used it for a pro-longed period of time (oops!). It worked wonders on my itchy, scabby dry skin. Been using it on and off until it completely subsided, which was during my second half of primary school (which means, it’s been years since I used it). Things was pretty much normal for me without the eczema being around. But it does left behind some scars (oh, well..). I should also mention that I have bad acne problems on my face. I had outrageous breakouts twice, once during college and the other during university. Now it has also subsided but ALSO left some permanent scars (oh, well…again). It happened in a different time and place, so I suspected weather or surroundings might be the trigger. Anyway, I graduated and got my first job in 2016. I guess things went well after being acne-free. However, by the end of 2017, I got my first ever, worst flare-up. I didn’t know it was eczema at first. I thought it was just some typical itching that followed by redness. But it never subsided and gets spread like wildfire all over my body, even my face [especially my eyelids (-_-‘)]. Soon, it weeps, ooze liquid, swollen, red rashes appeared and never stopped itching. That’s when I knew it’s not the regular itch. So as a Front Desk receptionist, I had to quit my job which I had just recently started. I guess, stress might be the culprit here but I’m not entirely sure. I haven’t really gone to any specialist yet [don’t judge me yet, I just couldn’t afford it (>_<)].
So, I've been doing my own resesrch and googling throughout the net for the best eczema products. There were so many I couldn't make up my mind. Until I stumbled upon some popular reviews on Aveeno lines. The product I'm using now is the Aveeno Itch Relief Balm cause it does well for my skin. I've used the moisturizing cream before but I guess it's not thick enough to provide me with moisturizing security. So I switched to the balm. Now my skin no longer weeping, oozing, and swollen. But the extreme dryness and flakes keeps coming and going particularly at certain conditions. However, since I quit my job, I don't have a steady income yet and my Aveeno balm would only last a month due to my eczema being on my whole body (even on hard-to-reach areas like my earlobes, eyelids, armpits, buttocks, etc..). So, considering buying it every month, it's expensive and I wanted to find similar products that comes in a cheaper price. So I searched through some more eczema products and I found Avalon Organics Therapy Eczema Relief Body Cream just recently. I'm interested to read if you could do a review or comparison between Aveeno balm and Avalon Organic eczema body cream?
The reason why I chose these two is because I'd like to opt for more affordable yet proven to work on eczema. But, so far Aveeno is the cheapest colloidal oatmeal cream I can find.
Hi. I’m an eczema sufferer and while going through some in-depth ‘googling’ for eczema products, I stumbled upon your blog. I was so captivated by it cause there weren’t many honest with before/after photos reviews. Most of what I’ve seen and read were not as convincing as yours. So, I was glad to see yours. I’d like to write some intro about my eczema story first if I may? It’s a pretty long story but I feel like I need to share these things with someone who have the same problem. And I could never really be truly honest with anyone else due to their awkward response including my closest peers. Plus, I’m very shy and introverted that I would do anything to keep things private (sorry!).
First off, I was dumb-founded when I read this blog cause I went through the exact same thing. The similarities really hit me. I’ll try to keep it short. I’m Asian, female, and 26yo. I had these itchy, scabby, dry skin on the inside of my elbows and back of my knees since birth. No one suspected it being an eczema because according to my mom, the doctor said it was an allergy reaction towards seafoods. So there were hardly any eczema-related medication being done. However, as I grew up, it did not go away. Avoiding seafood does stop it from getting worse but it never really toned-down. Until one day my mom couldn’t stand seeing me scratching endlessly, she decided to go
to a local pharmacy. The pharmacist gave her Betnovate-N cream, which is a topical steroid cream similar to hydrocortisone. It worked wonders for me. However, the pharmacist didn’t bother to mention its 7-days maximum usage, so I ended up using it for a very prolonged period. I started using it since kindergarten until primary school. The problem seems to be on-and-off, hence my prolonged usage of the steroid cream. By the end of primary school, it has completely stopped. Although I was left with scars (ouch!). Things had been quite normal for me throughout high school, without the itchy, scabby, dry skin being around (hurray!). Then I went to a local college located in an island, which I then got severe acne breakouts on my face (sudden change in weather being the culprit). After finishing my college years and going back to my hometown, acne went gone but it left me with scars! (Ugh!). Then I continued my studies to a local university. By the end of my studies there, I had my second outrageous acne breakouts! So, I had to say goodbye to my ‘long-awaited-pretty-faced’ graduation photo (great…). Afterwards, acne went gone again! But still, it left me with scars (oh, well..). So, I got my first job in March 2016. No skin problem generally. But I have to mention, stress were really building up since then. I’m not sure if it’s the only trigger though. Then, by the end of 2017, I got my first and worst eczema flare-up. I didn’t know it was eczema at first. I thought it was just some typical itch that followed by redness and dry flaky skin. But it never subsided and gets spread like wildfire all over my body, even my face (especially my eyelids and other hard-to-reach areas!). Soon, it weeps, ooze liquid, swollen, stings, bumpy, red rashes and never stopped itching. That’s when I knew it’s not the regular itch. So being a Front Desk receptionist, I had to quit my job which I had just recently started. I never really sought a specialist opinion just simply because I couldn’t afford it. I went to see a regular doctor at a government hospital, where they ONLY SUSPECTED it’s an eczema and they gave me aqueous cream and Betnovate cream. That’s when I knew steroids weren’t supposed to be used for more than a week! And they couldn’t gave me anything else that works, except of course, more advices. Hence, I made my own research. I googled throughout the net for the best eczema products. There were so many I couldn’t make up my mind. Until I stumbled upon some popular reviews about Aveeno. So I started out with Aveeno Eczema Theraphy Moisturizing Cream which worked well but it’s not thick enough to provide me with the security of moisturized skin. So I switched to Aveeno Eczema Therapy Itch Relief Balm. Now my skin no longer red, weeping, oozing, and swollen. But the extreme dryness and flakes keeps coming and going depends on certain conditions. Nevertheless, since I quit my job, I don’t have a steady income yet and my Aveeno balm would only last a month due to my eczema being on my whole body. It’s expensive and I wanted to find similar products that comes in a cheaper price. So I searched through some more eczema products and I found Avalon Organics Therapy Eczema Relief Body Cream just recently. I would like to see if you could do a comparison between the two, or simply a review on the Avalon Organics. The reason why I chose these two is because I’d like to opt for more affordable similar product yet proven to work on eczema. Although, so far I find that Aveeno being the cheapest colloidal oatmeal product lines yet. I wanted to do the testing myself but as I said, being jobless, I wouldn’t want to invest too much on the unknown.
amazing story! thank you for sharing xxxx